Sunday, August 27, 2017

Managing Equipment Donations at EPATT, August 5, 6, 7 2017 (Clark)

Clark Safran
July 26, July 30 August 2 2017, 9am - 1pm
Susan Lynch
2017 EPATT Kids Cup Chair and EPATT Board Member
Supervisor contact info: or 650-766-4576

Through managing equipment donations at EPATT, I was providing underserved kids with proper equipment that not only helps there tennis game, but helps there confidence. Using better equipment allows for an advancement in one's tennis game because higher racket technology and simply functioning rackets change the way a tennis player can hit the ball. Furthermore, new good strings and grips allow for the student to be able to hold on to the racket and not mishit the ball as a result of the broken equipment. But most importantly, the new equipment helps the kids feel better about themselves. When they hold new and properly managed equipment, it makes them feel a greater self worth because it shows that someone truly cares about their growth as a tennis player and a person.

Not only did my work at EPATT benefit the kids in the program, but it benefited me. When I witnessed kids with unusable gear, I recognized my own fortune that I take for granted. I never really thought of my tennis gear as a blessing, I just saw it as another thing that I wanted and the biggest issue was what gear did I want to get. It was such an eye opening experience to see how privileged and lucky I am to be able to play the sport I do with the amount of support I have from my family who are more that willing to spend an enormous amount of money to buy me the best gear. After seeing the kids with malfunctioning gear and how much the new gear helped there confidence and tennis game, I am inspired to do more community service in the future and to make a greater impact on underserved kids lives.

1 comment:

  1. Clark,
    This is okay, but you spend more time on why good gear is helpful than on the nature of your work and your reflection on it. Will you proofread to correct the spellings of "there" and "their"
